Embroidered slippers hit the national headlines this week, and it wasn’t (sadly) the launch of our new website that had everybody talking. Winston Churchill’s famous personalised embroidered slippers were sold at auction for just shy of £40,000.

Churchill’s heavily worn navy velvet slippers with gold wire monogrammed WSC were famous for being worn not only by his fireside, but out in public too, as you’ll see from the picture here. Churchill was sporting his very own Street Slippers ®!

While we were asked to recreate the pair to be worn by Gary Oldman for the Churchill film, Darkest Hour, we didn’t have the honour of manufacturing the original pair, with that duty falling to Nicolas Tuczek of Clifford St in Mayfair, a prominent shoemaker of his time.

Did you miss out on being the highest bidder? Well, luckily we can craft your very own monogrammed slippers at just a fraction of the cost that Churchill’s slippers fetched! And while they may not be as worn, or have housed the feet of one of history’s most famous leaders, you never know, they could be kept for generations and then sold for thousands of their own in years to come… call it an investment!

churchill slippers

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